Kamis, 08 September 2016

How Does Biogas Affect the Environment?

            Biogas is a renewable energy that is categorized as biofuel. In fact, biogas is called as an environmentally friendly energy because biogas does not cause pollution. Biogas is generally formed from a biodegradable material such as dirt, solid waste activity results of both urban and rural. Biogas production is done in fermentation, namely the formation of methane gas and carbon dioxide gas volume is bigger than hydrogen, nitrogen and hydrogen sulfide. Biogas is known as good fuels because its origin is from nature. It can be used for doing household chores such as cooking, washing and cleaning the room. By using biogas, we can affect the environment in many positive aspects. Biogas offers a lot of benefits, such as helping to reduce environmental pollution and balance the natural contents of earth.

           Nowadays, Biogas is considered to be non-polluting in nature. Biogas energy does not require oxygen.  It  means the preservation does not require any other fuel. Biogas is produced by leftover waste, food production, brewery waste, and waste from industrial as well as effluents in the city. Agriculture in biogas power plants promises an important contribution to supplying energy from renewable energy and also the disposal of an organic waste. Besides that, it can minimize the greenhouse effect. Minimizing the greenhouse effect also means that it is the efforts of global warming prevention. People do not need to cut down trees for firewood .So, the natural environment  is at least safe from forest fires.

               According to the researchers, the biogas is also capable of  improving air quality by reducing smoke and the amount of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels / firewood. So indirectly when many people are using biogas, it is not likely that global warming will not happen. Biogas  also triggers an improvement in the environment and hygiene. Hygiene is the science of health and prevention of disease. The use of biogas in the long term will bring a good impact in the environment, such as environmental pollution problems will certainly continue to decrease by  reducing pollution due to the use of efficient biogas.

              Biogas is also believed to stimulate economic growth. This is because the alternative energy biogas has many factors that can embody those beliefs. The first factor, it can increase the number of jobs for people. Biogas will open thousands of new jobs to the population. By opening the company that will develop the biogas, and the company will automatically create jobs on a large scale. Of course, the opportunity to work more wide open and the unemployment numbers will automatically be suppressed. The economic growth rate will be in line with the implementation of biogas utilization is bring significant changes in the economic sphere. In fact, biogas is easy for decentralized so that in the end easily accessible by people living in rural and remote areas. Next factor, the biogas technology use requires a relatively low cost. Of course, the application of biogas will be very widely used, not only because the technology is inexpensive but highly utilized technology for electricity production. The third factor, biogas only requires a little capital on a small scale. Besides the price is low, its use is also very simple and uncomplicated. By utilizing the plant, the waste produced by livestock. For example, a cow can provide enough waste in one day to power a light bulb throughout the day. In addition to the potential application of adequate (easy to make), biogas production also provides economic added value for society as a means of ready energy providers. So, biogas will provide a good change in the economic aspect.

           In short, many experts are predicting that biogas will benefit a lot more in the future. Today, people do prefer to use LPG than biogas. They think that the use of fuel is much more practical than biogas. Governor should strive to promote and optimize biogas considering LPG can be depleted due to falling into the resources that are no renewable. It is because biogas has the potential to reduce the use of LPG.Biogas is processed properly and impurities, because basically biogas is derived from waste, and must be relied upon as a substitute for LPG gas which is increasingly burdensome purchasing power. With the development of biogas to several years to come, its consumer would emerge from some quarters. Not only from among the population but also the government will use biogas as a source of primary power. The energy that we use today is originated from deep within the earth’s energy reserves. It means that this energy will be discharged at a time. Therefore, to avoid running out of energy, biogas is one of the best solutions. Certainly, biogas can be one of the alternative energies to generate electricity. At least 1 cubic meter of biogas can produce 6,000 watts of electricity per hour. As time goes by,  we all hope that biogas has been developed for the fulfillment of the world’s energy needs.

By Fernanda F.Dwi Putra


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