Selasa, 27 September 2016

How Jakarta Smart City Will Benefit Its Citizens


       Nowadays, a city needs something to keep integrated and efficient on using energy as the complexity of the citizen’s lives, like study, health, energy consumption, and transportation. Other trouble for the city is the highest urbanization and increasing population in the city, so many countries have made a breakthrough to make their city become a smart city. A smart city is a city with investments in people, social capital and modern communication infrastructure, fuel sustainable economic development and a high-quality life, with a wise management of natural resources, through participatory action and engagement. The smart city has many features like smart parking, intelligent parking system, traffic management, smart grids, smart urban lighting, waste management, smart city maintenance, etc. Smart city program of Jakarta will bring many advantages for the citizens, such as helping the implementation of e-Government, improving the go-green environment, and creating efficient and integrated transportation.

     E-Government is government use technologies to combine service and information from government and reserved to the citizen. It is helping the citizen to get information about government, helping people to make some document and transparent. E-government model can be defined E-Government to Citizen, E-Government to Business and e-Government to Government. E-Government to Citizen provides the citizen with information and services with online access. A citizen should be able to access and find what they need fast and quickly. The government focuses on interactions between citizens and government to support transactions like ID card, insurance, and tax payment. Electronic ID card or E-KTP is a document that contains a number in the card. The number will be used as the basis for taxpayer identification (NPWP) and insurance policy (BPJS) in Jakarta. This function helps the citizen with fast and quickly to access information or pay a tax. E-Government to Business provides citizens with access to reduce burdens on business by enabling digital communication using the language of e-business and online access to get information. Online tutorials that help business understand which rules and regulations apply to them. The next is e-Government to government (EGG). It is a system which enables anybody to visit a city website to interact and communicate with city employees using internet access, social media, video and audio presentations, and in any way more sophisticated. EGG can improve transaction speed with consistency and reduce the time of employees have to spend on the task.

     Today, global warming is so dangerous for our earth and makes the world warmer every year. People must do something to prevent global warming with a campaign of good lifestyle and go green. For a city, a smart city is the best choice to make a green city, because the smart city is improving go green environment. The smart city has many ways to make the city more green and healthy like building environmental friendly public facilities, creating better water and waste treatment, and improving new energy resources. Building environmental friendly public facilities is the new concept of building to make more environmentally friendly for public facilities. The city has many public facilities which citizens need such as the library, school, and etc. Smart city building has planned to save more energy and reduce emission from glass house effect. The next one is creating better and waste treatment. The water system is the one of critical infrastructure and most important pieces in Jakarta. A smart city with water system will be energy saving up to 30 percent and 15 percent reduction of water losses. The last is improving new energy resources. For now, oil and gas are the most popular energy resources uses in the world but, they produce carbon dioxide emission which makes our earth warmer. The smart city has the plan to make energy efficiency and find new energy resources to change oil and gas energy. The new energy resources on the smart city are like solar energy on the building which use of the sunlight changed into thermal and electric energy.

     The big city must have a great transportation which is efficient and integrated transportation. The first thing to have a great transportation is fixing traffic management. Traffic management is a key to smart cities technology because it manages road operator and public authorities. Smart traffic management is a system where centrally – controlled traffic signal and sensors regulate the flow of traffic through the city in response to demand. The other way to make a great transportation in the city is efficiency in gas consuming. Transportation has much alternative gasoline now like using hybrid technology which combines gas and electric energy to be their gasoline. This way, gas consuming will be efficient and it will help the smart city to be a green city. The smart city has a way to make citizen integrated with their smartphone like GO Bus from Gojek app which is integrated with Transjakarta Bus. This app shows that transportation can integrate to citizen smartphone. Smart city will improve all transportation integrated and can integrate with the citizen to make all fast.

     To conclude, a smart city is the best way to fix problems in the city. It has many advantages to make the city faster, easier, and simpler to interact with government, help earth with the campaign against global warming and do go green, and give the best transportation.

By Muhammad Abdul Fatah

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