Minggu, 31 Juli 2016

Cara Berga Membuat Website Sederhana dengan Script HTML 5 Berupa Script gratis dan bisa di Praktek

Pada kesempatan kali ini berga akan membahas bagaimana cara membuat website sederhana dengan html 5, sebelumnya anda diharapkan sudah mengerti dasar HTML dan CSS karena pada tutorial ini tidak akan dijelaskan secara mendetail mengenai HTML dan CSS, tutorial ini hanya menjelaskan secara garis besar fungsi dari elemen yang dipakai.

Jika anda belum pernah membuat halaman web sederhana, sangat disarankan untuk latihan membuat halaman web secara sederhana di artikel ” CARA MEMBUAT HALAMAN WEB SEDERHANA ” dalam artikel ini juga dijelaskan secara mendetail tentang apa saja alat yang digunakan dalam membuat website.

Hasil akhir dari membuat website adalah seperti gambar dibawah ini, klik ” Run Skrip ” jika ingin melihat hasil secara online sekaligus merubah source code, silahkan anda ikuti langkah-langkah membuat website sederhana dengan html ini.

Cara Berga Membuat Website Sederhana dengan Script HTML 5

Cara membuat website sederhana

Oh ya, dalam tutorial cara membuat website sederhana ini kita menggunakan HTML versi 5 dan juga sedikit CSS versi 3. Dan seperti biasanya alat yang digunakan dalam membuat website pada tutorial ini ada dua, yaitu;

Google Chrome sebagai browser
Notepad++ sebagai tempat menulis skrip
Jika anda belum mempunyai alat-alat tersebut, anda bisa download chrome dan notepad++ secara gratis pada halaman web mereka. Mari kita mulai tutorial cara membuat website sederhana yang terdiri dari 8 langkah.

Langkah 1: Membuat Sketsa Desain halaman web

Kita akan memulai membuat web dengan mempersiapakan sketsa halaman web dulu, untuk membuat sketsa halaman web kita bisa menggunakan kertas dulu baru setelah itu kita bisa memperhalusnya dengan photoshop. Berikut adalah sketsa halaman web yang kita akan gunakan sebagai latihan.

Sketsa desain halaman web dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai layout halaman web dan bagaimana cara mengatur letaknya. Dengan adanya sketsa juga bisa mempermudah kita untuk menyiapkan skrip HTML dan CSS apa saja yang dibutuhkan.

Langkah 2: Menentukan Konsep membuat website

Kita akan menggunakan HTML5, teknologi ini memperkenalkan beberapa elemen baru yang memungkinkan kita untuk membagi bagian dari halaman. Nama-nama elemen ini sesuai dengan jenis konten yang berada didalamnya.

<div class="wrapper">
    <h1>Warung Tegal</h1>
      <!-- nav content here -->
  <section class="courses">
    <!-- section content here -->
    <!-- aside content here -->
    <!-- footer content here -->
</div><!-- .wrapper -->

Contoh pada kali ini yaitu membuat web masakan yang dibangun menggunakan elemen HTML5 untuk membuat  struktur halaman (bukan sekedar pengelompokan menggunakan elemen  <div>).

Sesuai dengan sketsa  halaman web diatas, Header dan footer bertempat di dalam elemen <header> dan <footer>. Materi masakan dikelompokkan bersama di dalam elemen <section> yang memiliki atribut class yang nilainya courses (untuk membedakannya dari elemen <section> yang lain pada halaman). Sidebar berada di dalam sebuah elemen <aside> .

Setiap materi masakan berada di dalam sebuah elemen <article>, dan menggunakan elemen <figure> dan <figcaption> untuk menyisipkan gambar. Judul pada masing-masing materi masakan memiliki sub-judul, jadi judul-judul ini dikelompokkan dalam sebuah elemen <hgroup>. Di sidebar, terdapat resep dan rincian kontak yang ditempatkan terpisah  di dalam elemen <section>.

Halaman dikelola dan ditata menggunakan CSS. Agar CSS bisa bekerja di versi IE 9 kebawah, halaman HTML5 berisi link ke HTML5 shiv JavaScript (host di server Google) di dalam komentar bersyarat.

Oke, kita sudah menentukan konsep dari membuat web sederhana, mari kita lanjutkan dengan membuat skrip HTML dan skrip CSS. 

Langkah 3: Membuat Skrip Struktur Umum HTML

Pembuatan skrip struktur umum HTML memudahkan kita untuk memulai dalam membuat website, jika anda belum mengetahui apa itu struktur umum HTML, anda bisa mempelajari terlebih dahulu di ” Pengenalan HTML: Struktur Umum Part 1 “. Berikut Skrip Struktur Umum HTML.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Web Warung Tegal</title>
<style type="text/css">
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src="http://html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script>
<div class="wrapper">
</div><!-- .wrapper -->
Skrip HTML diatas terdapat baris skrip <style type="text/css">, didalam skrip ini kita nantinya akan menaruh skrip CSS untuk mengatur layout halaman web. Sedangkan pada skrip <title>Web Warung Tegal</title> berfungsi untuk memberikan title halaman web. Dibawah tag <style> kita memberikan skrip HTML5SHIV yang berguna agar website kita berjalan dengan baik dalam browser IE versi 9 kebawah.

Skrip <div class="wrapper"> berfungsi untuk membungkus elemen halaman web, ” bungkusan ” ini kita beri class wrapper, dengan class ini kita bisa mengatur semua elemen yang berada didalamnya dengan skrip CSS.

Kesimpulan dari skrip diatas adalah kita telah memberikan judul halaman web dan menyediakan tempat untuk skrip CSS.

Langkah 4: Membuat Elemen header dan nav HTML5

Dalam contoh ini, Elemen <header> digunakan untuk tempat dari  nama website dan navigasi utama. Berikut skrip header, letakkan persis dibawah <div class="wrapper">.

 <h1>Warung Tegal</h1>
<li><a href="" class="current">beranda</a></li>
<li><a href="">daftar masakan</a></li>
<li><a href="">katering</a></li>
<li><a href="">tentang</a></li>
<li><a href="">kontak</a></li>

Kita menggunakan elemen <nav> untuk membuat  navigasi . Elemen ini bisa digunakan di berbagai keperluan dalam pembuatan navigasi, baik navigasi yang berada tepat dibawah header, atau navigasi yang terletak pada footer.

Dalam skrip diatas kita menentukan judul halaman yang telah kita letakkan pada elemen <h1> dan memberikan daftar link navigasi sebagai alat navigasi untuk mempermudah dalam mengakses halaman web.

Langkah 5: Membuat Elemen article HTML5

Elemen <article> bertindak sebagai wadah untuk setiap bagian dari halaman yang dapat berdiri sendiri dan berpotensi Sindikasi.

Bisa berupa artikel atau tulisan blog, komentar atau posting forum, atau lainnya. Jika halaman terdiri dari beberapa artikel, maka kita akan meletakkan masing-masing artikel dalam elemen <article>. Berikut skripnya, dan kita bungkus skrip ini dengan elemen <section>.

<section class="courses">
<img src="images/soto.jpg" alt="soto" />
<figcaption>Soto Indonesia</figcaption>
<h2>Soto Ayam</h2>
<h3>Makanan Berkuah</h3>
   <p>Soto ayam adalah makanan khas Indonesia yang berupa 
   sejenis sup ayam dengan kuah yang berwarna kekuningan.</p>
<img src="images/pecel.jpg" alt="pecel" />
<figcaption>Pecel Indonesia</figcaption>
        <h2>Masakan Pecel</h2>
<h3>Makanan dengan Bumbu Kacang</h3>
   <p>Pecel adalah makanan yang menggunakan bumbu sambal 
   kacang sebagai bahan utamanya yang dicampur dengan aneka jenis sayuran.</p>
 Letakkan skrip diatas tepat dibawah skrip header yang sudah kita buat sebelumnya. Elemen <section> digunakan untuk mengelompokkan elemen konten yang terkait , dan biasanya setiap bagian akan memiliki judul tersendiri.

Elemen <figure> digunakan untuk menyisipkan gambar sedangkan elemen  <figcaption> digunakan untuk memberi keterangan dalam gambar tersebut. Sedangkan tujuan dari elemen <hgroup> adalah mengelompokkan satu atau lebih elemen  <h1> sampai <h6> sehingga mereka diperlakukan sebagai satu judul tunggal.

Kesimpulannya dalam skrip diatas kita membuat artikel masakan dengan memberinya judul, gambar beserta penjelasan.

Langkah 6: Membuat Elemen Aside HTML5

Elemen <aside> bertindak sebagai tempat/wadah untuk konten yang berhubungan dengan seluruh halaman. Sebagai contoh, elemen ini bisa berisi link ke halaman web lain, daftar posting terbaru, kotak pencarian, atau widget-widget lainnya. Berikut skrip dari elemen Aside. Letakkan skrip ini dibawah skrip <section> diatas, tepatnya setelah skrip </section>.

  <section class="popular-recipes">
   <h2>Masakan Populer</h2>
     <a href="">Sayur Sop</a>
     <a href="">Sayur Asem</a>
     <a href="">Sayur Lodeh</a>
     <a href="">Sayur Bayam</a>
  <section class="contact-details">
    <p>Warung Tegal<br />
    di seluruh indonesia
Dalam skrip diatas, kita meletakkan informasi daftar link yang berisi menu masakan yang populer dan daftar kontak.

Langkah 7: Membuat Elemen Footer HTML5

Setiap website akan punya footer, elemen <footer> berguna untuk membuat footer, dengan footer kita bisa memberikan informasi tambahan mengenai website seperti informasi hak cipta, link ke halaman kebijakan privasi atau link lainnya. Berikut skrip footer. Skrip Footer diletakkan setelah skrip <aside> diatas, tepatnya setelah skrip </aside>.

Pada tahap ini kita sudah membuat File HTML dan belum dilengkapi dengan skrip CSS dan Gambar, sehingga pada tahap ini web sederhana kita seperti gambar dibawah ini.

Cara Berga Membuat Website Sederhana dengan Script HTML 5 Berupa Script gratis dan bisa di Praktekan

Langkah 8: Membuat Skrip CSS dan Gambar

Berikut skrip CSS yang nantinya kita insert ke dalam elemen <style type="text/css">.

header, section, footer, aside, nav, article, figure, figcaption {
display: block;}
body {
color: #666666;
background-color: #f9f8f6;
background-image: url("images/dark-wood.jpg");
background-position: center;
font-family: Georgia, Times, serif;
line-height: 1.4em;
margin: 0px;}
.wrapper {
width: 940px;
margin: 20px auto 20px auto;
border: 2px solid #000000;
background-color: #ffffff;}
header {
height: 160px;
background-image: url(images/header.png);}
h1 {
text-indent: -9999px;
width: 940px;
height: 130px;
margin: 0px;}
nav, footer {
clear: both;
color: #ffffff;
background-color: #aeaca8;
height: 30px;}
nav ul {
margin: 0px;
padding: 5px 0px 5px 30px;}
nav li {
display: inline;
margin-right: 40px;}
nav li a {
color: #ffffff;}
nav li a:hover, nav li a.current {
color: #000000;}
section.courses {
float: left;
width: 659px;
border-right: 1px solid #eeeeee;}
article {
clear: both;
overflow: auto;
width: 100%;}
hgroup {
margin-top: 40px;}
figure {
float: left;
width: 290px;
height: 220px;
padding: 5px;
margin: 20px;
border: 1px solid #eeeeee;}
figcaption {
font-size: 90%;
text-align: left;}
aside {
width: 230px;
float: left;
padding: 0px 0px 0px 20px;}
aside section a {
display: block;
padding: 10px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #eeeeee;}
aside section a:hover {
color: #985d6a;
background-color: #efefef;}
a {
color: #de6581;
text-decoration: none;}
h1, h2, h3 {
font-weight: normal;}
h2 {
margin: 10px 0px 5px 0px;
padding: 0px;}
h3 {
margin: 0px 0px 10px 0px;
color: #de6581;}
aside h2 {
padding: 30px 0px 10px 0px;
color: #de6581;}
footer {
font-size: 80%;
padding: 7px 0px 0px 20px;}

Penjelasan dari skrip CSS tidak dibahas disini, melainkan akan dibahas dalam artikel membuat website sederhana bagian 2, untuk gambar anda bisa mendownload-nya sekaligus beserta source code pada tombol download diatas.

Cukup sampai disini tutorial cara membuat website sederhana dengan HTML 5, Pada tahap ini kita sudah membuat website meskipun sangat sederhana, simple dan terbilang cukup mudah, web sederhana ini hanya terdiri dari satu halaman web saja. Kita bisa menambahkan halaman lain dengan cara duplikat halaman web yang sudah dibuat dan isinya kita ganti dengan yang lain.

Tutorial diatas masih sebatas cara membuat web simpel dan biasa, yang perlu diketahui bahwa website simpel ini masih bersifat statis tidak dinamis. Tutorial cara membuat website sederhana ini sangat jauh dari kesempurnaan, maka dari itu kami sangat mengharapkan saran dan kritikan yang membangun. 

Are You Facing Low Income AdSense Even with good traffic?

People often complain about why their site is not making money with AdSense even if it has a good traffic? The simple answer could be advertising they are cheaper compared to other top sites and need higher CPC to continue to increase traffic.

There are several ways you can increase your AdSense earnings. By using the simple and basic tips you will understand why a site is not responding Adsense best way possible?

Understanding Clicks Ad Unit Who are you?

If you are interested in knowing who clicks on your ad, you will most likely take all necessary steps to improve the interface and layout of your website. Design is an integral part of each site so that the manufacture of ads and links on your site look natural and attractive for visitors from every part of the world.

Layout with matching link and background colors, the size of the ads that are not true, and their placement is the real cause has a low click on ads. And of course, content is king.

Are You Facing Low Income AdSense Even with good traffic?

You might Magnet Poor Content Visitor

If your website has a general topic everywhere with ordinary courts, may not attract your visitors at this time to come again. That is, you have to have content that is interesting to read, with facts and information updated again with some spices so that visitors appreciate bookmark, subscribe and search for further reference.

If you have a low CTR with your ad, you'll need a large number of ad clicks to make real payments. That is, if you have an ad with only $ 0.10 per click rate, you need at least 10 clicks to generate dollars and therefore if you want to make money fast with visitors is low, you need high paying ads to appear on your page.

That will come with the analysis of keyword and content research topics. However, for most publishers, CTR is about 1.5-3% only.

This site Surviving in Low-Paying-ad

Sometimes people say their income is actually too low. Even after several thousand good of daily visitors, the conversion of ad actually they are very low. Why does this happen?

Just because the cost of pay per click is too low. Maybe it is about 0.03 to 0.10 $ per click. The best example is the electronic gadget ad clicks and clicks on ads toys. Of course, the cost of sales of the gadget will be much higher than the plastic toy and therefore advertisers for gadget will certainly pay more for their ad campaign.

Given this example, you have to focus on the content that will be interesting, relevant ads with higher costs. That is why there is a term in the internet at all times that says "high paying Adsense keywords" meaning the keywords associated with the industry in which products are the demands with higher costs. And if the ad is clicked, you will definitely make more money.

Low CPC content

If you consistently create content on some general topics, you will attract advertisers to pay low and therefore generate lower revenue after a certain period of time specified. This is because you do not focus on high paying keywords.

For these sites, it is advisable to go for other money making programs such as Affiliate.

Also see, "May the Amazon Affiliate Program is up best for you"

Low CTR-Click Through Rate for Ad Unit

This means your ad is not getting proper attention and hence lower click. A good reason can be their poor placement. Because too many ads are also not allowed on one page and even above-the-fold of the page, the right ad unit in the right places will solve the purpose immediately and increase your income.

Some of the better examples of healthy units ad is a rectangle large, medium rectangle, leaderboard, skyscraper extensive advertising links etc.

Lack Ad Experiment

Depending on the site layout and colors, ads can be placed. You can do some experiments to look at the unit and the type of work best for your site layout. A good change for sure will increase revenue and work well for the long term.

Tips such as ad unit without limit, URL Black color, color matching your own link to link, multimedia ads will definitely make a big impact on your income. Also one must remember not to place ad units as they camouflage with your own images, tabs, and links that are banned by Google Systems.

AdSense management is a time consuming process, it may take days, weeks, months and even years. So keep patience and learning through the improvement will certainly bring fruits.

Not to Use Ad Units Target is a Bad Idea

That is, we must learn which pages of your site contributed most to your AdSense revenue. with this you can really focus on how the other pages can be improved to attract high paying ads and therefore make more money. One should also consider linking your AdSense account with Google Analytics. Try Picture and text (link) advertising.

You may also like "Google AdSense New Website - A Complete Guide"

If you have a Youtube channel, make sure you choose the option of targeting. This will allow advertisers to easily find you when they set up an Ad Campaign.

Drop suddenly AdSense Earnings

There are a number of reasons for this phenomenon. This may include methods Advertiser campaigns that can lower down within a certain period of years. (Mostly in the first quarter, again depending on the type of industry) or bad changes in your content and / or layout strategy. If you continually fail to increase your income or even to keep them stable, there must be something bad happens to your site.

Again if your site is not optimized for mobile devices today, your CTR will drop considerably. To ensure visitors read your site properly and may click on your ad correctly set it to a mobile device.

Advanced Keyword Analysis

If you are among those who face a constant shortage in revenue, then what we would suggest is to have a proper keyword analysis on your posts. A good relevant article with great content will never fail with a set of appropriate keywords. This engine keyword search help bring your link in the search results. Google Keyword Planner will definitely help you to do your homework and choose the keywords that have low competition and high search volume.

Also see "Using Reddit as Potentials Key to advanced keyword analysis"

It will also help relevant ads to come up with relevant content and save your site get harmed by bad ads. (Targeting Issues)

Unethical Hacking

Do you know Labnol.org even large sites have been attacked? It is possible money hungry today's internet environment.

It may happen that your site has been under a bad impression by Google bots, and that's why your ad does not work well on all pages. As we know, all ad clicks either monitored by Google, still, there is no control over the hacks and unethical methods happen all the time on the internet.

So if you are unsure, just be patient and try to contact the senior member of Google.

ad blindness

If your site has a lot of repeat visitors, it is possible that they begin to ignore the ad unit. Bit color and size changes again with experimental placements will certainly bring more clicks with your precious repeat visitors.


Do not give up unless you try all possible ways to improvise. AdSense is not at all difficult, but it takes time until you remove all the errors on the site. It also includes a page poor speed, bad writing skills, niche high competition and more.

Continue to monitor the site and tried various measures to bring a good change. The most important thing is to create evergreen content, for the long term and always updated.

Is Veganism Lifestyle Good for Kids? Well, Think Again !

      Many people mix up between vegetarian and veganism.  The two things are not the same. Vegetarian is an eating habit that doesn't allow people to eat meat on their menu while veganism is an eating habit that doesn't allow people to eat or use any products that contain substances made from an animal. Some people think that veganism is good for adults and kids.

When the vegans become parents, they raise their kids with veganism eating habit.  These vegan parents  introduce vegan food to their kids. The kids are fed with all kinds of fruits and vegetables or rice cereal. Then they will get used to other non-meat food such as tofu, tempeh and other wide variety of foods. The vegan parents also use natural products for their kids' personal care while for  clothing, they avoid "cruelty products" such as leather or wool. Vegan parents will check the clothing label to make sure they are on the right track. Kids who are raised with veganism lifestyle have to face several problems such as being withdrawn from society, suffering from nutritional deficiency, and suffering from food poisoning.

      The first reason is the fact that most vegan kids are withdrawn from society due to this habit. Kids become disenfranchised because vegan parents want their kids to become vegans too. When they grow up, some kids give negative respond to their parents’ lifestyle. It is because if they become vegans, they can’t choose and eat the food like other kids do. During their childhood, they normally enjoy whatever they like, especially food.  An example of this is actress Holly Paige who takes her kids to become vegans. She doesn't realize what happen with her vegan kids due to this belief  so that the skin condition of her kids become bad. Then, her kids become unconfident with their appearance because they look so skinny. They don’t look like their friends who have good skin. They are Berte, who is 4 years old, and Lizzie, who is 3 years old. One day, Paige felt worried when Lizzie smiled at her, and she felt horrified to see that the top row of the teeth of her kids was brown and full of cavities. Not only having physical problems, but the kids also have difficulty to make friends because they are not confident with their appearance and afraid to start making friendship. They fear that friends who try to approach them will be afraid of their appearance, and will stay away from them when their friends found out what they eat.

      The second reason that kids shouldn't be raised with veganism lifestyle is that the kids will suffer from nutritional deficiency. Nutritional deficiency will affect them greatly such as making them get tired quickly because they lack the energy that is supposed to get from eating meat. The kids’ muscles who have fewer nutrients will not grow well. They will be exhausted fast and can't play like other kids do. This happened to Jessica Hatfield who discovered her nine-year-old son Max, who was previously active, sporty child, became run down. On the same day, he had no energy at all and couldn't get out of bed. She was even more surprised when the nutritionist said his supposedly healthy diet -with no carbohydrates and only meat, fish, and salad –wasn’t giving him enough energy to fuel his activity. The next effect is that the kid's development is hampered because they need nutrients in meat, fish, milk and foods of animal products. Furthermore, forcing a kid to go dairy-free at a very young age, without replacing with calcium, also risks giving them bad teeth and poor growth of bones and will suffer from osteoporosis. Since bone-building of someone stops in the early 20s, weak bones in the kids mean weak bones for life. Kids need vitamin B12 that we can find in meat, protein that we can find in eggs and other kinds of nutrition. The last effect of this lifestyle is that certain organ functions will decline because of kids nutritional deficiencies.  The organs in kids’ body need some nutrition of vegetables and meat. If they lack these kinds of nutrition they need, their growth won’t be at best.

      The last reason that kids shouldn't be raised with veganism lifestyle is kids are prone to food poisoning. This is quite dangerous because kids who are prone to food poisoning are still in their growth stage. As a consequence of this lifestyle, kids can't receive proper vitamins found in veggies. If you learn about the digestive system, you will know that there are certain age brackets of children who receive vitamin that they don’t receive previously.  So, if they consume excessive nutrients, it won’t be good for their body especially for the kids who can't receive certain substances. If the kids are prone to food poisoning, then they will lose their spirits. At this childhood period, they should be active, agile, curious and they should play a lot and try new things. Their high sense of curiosity motivates them to know anything. The kids will easily get bored of something they don’t want. This will happen to vegan kids because they only eat vegetables, while most kids want to try different kinds of food to know new flavor and tastes of the foods.

       In conclusion, kids will be much healthier when they are given nutrition in accordance with the proper eating habits. If their parents are vegans it doesn’t mean that their kids  should be vegans too. Because all parents want the best for their kids, then the kids should be allowed to choose their own eating habit when they grow up.

By Nabilla A

Selamat Jalan Sahabat

Selamat Jalan Sahabat Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Pagi itu diriku lagi asyik nongkrong di depan tv sambil bbman, tiba-tiba ada pesan masuk di hpku, lalu ku buka pesan itu, ternyata dari sepupuku yang mengabarkan kalau ayah teman aku kecelakaan, ku balas dengan penuh pertanyaan, kecelakaan dimana? Kapan? Dan sekarang ada dimana?, tapi dia hanya menjawab sudah ada di rumahnya karena meninggal dunia, “innalillahi wainnalillahi rajiun”

Beberapa detik kemudian ada bbm masuk yang bertuliskan teks kalau sahabatku “yunita salam” juga meninggal, tapi aku tidak percaya dengan BC Itu, Namun informasi Dari Adik kelasku Itu cukup Membuktikan. Terkejut mendengar berita itu, diriku terjatuh, menangis dan tak tau harus Bagaimana, Ya Allah Ada Apa Dengan sahabatku itu.

Dengan air mata yang tak hentinya mengalir, ku tenangkan perasaanku, lalu ku broadcast pesan ke teman-teman SMAku termasuk sahabatku juga desy fahmi dan umbranah yang juga 1 geng denganku dan Yunita, ku Bc tentang berita duka itu, tapi satu persatu menelponku. “Ser
... baca selengkapnya di Selamat Jalan Sahabat Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor Satu

Kamis, 28 Juli 2016

Health Risks of Bodybuilding for The Young


      Nowadays, physical appearance is very important for everyone in many situations. Many young people try to do their best to look good. For that reason, many of them go on a diet, or do a martial art. Currently, one kind of sports that attracts the young people is body building. The reason is that they want to look attractive, but not necessarily want to become bodybuilders. Having an athletic and healthy body can be another reason for them to go the fitness centers to shape their body.  Still, a lot of them prefer bodybuilding than other sports because they can do exercise every time they want as the gyms are usually open from morning to midnight. In the fitness centers, they try hard to make them physically strong and powerful. They want to have a physique that they can show off  to their friends. Unfortunately, not many of them know that there are some disadvantages of body building such as  potential injuries, bad diets or even death.

     In the fitness center, there are several movements to do that such as running, cycling. lifting, etc. In fact, we need someone to teach and tell us about what movements that are suitable for our body. We have to keep in mind that not every style suits with our body. Again, you still need someone who can tell you about the best movement for you. However, since hiring a personal trainer is quite expensive, a lot of people just imitate every movement that other people do. The side effect of doing this thing is your body will be weakened gradually as wrong movements will harm yourself slowly. The common movement that is usually done in the wrong way is lifting a dumbbell or barbell.  There are a lot of different ways of using dumbbell which create different contractions on your muscles. Another movement in fitness called flat barbell press requires you to lie down on a chair and lift a barbell up and down for a few times. The purpose of this movement is to make your chest wider, your biceps bigger, and your spine stronger. This movement looks very easy to do, but people should do it seriously because if you lift it in the wrong way, it will press your chest too strong and make your spine bend.

      If you are obsessed with having an athletic body and having big muscles, you will never feel satisfy with your body. Then, you will try to eat something that can make your body bigger than before. Body builders usually consume drinks or food with lots of protein or zinc while supplement such as caffeine is linked to anxiety and high blood pressure. Protein may increase your weight and easily improve your muscles. Nevertheless, if you consume it a lot, it will harm your liver.  A drug that a body builder usually consumes is a steroid, a kind of stuff that will make your muscles bigger and looks good. At the first time,  the steroid may not do affect anything to your body. Yet, if you consume it more often, it will slowly harm your heart, liver, and even your brain. Many people are not well-informed or wrongly informed about the danger of. In addition, the media often doesn’t tell the truth about the negative aspects of using steroids. Consequently, many people think that steroids only have positive effects, but many young people don’t realize the real dangers of using steroids which can destroy their body and mind. Public believe that taking steroids will automatically make the users become built and muscular, which is not so. While using steroids, the user must still exercise. It is a wrong perception that consuming steroid is the only way to achieve a muscular build in order to have an admirable physique. People have to understand that their health is much more important that having a muscular body in a short period of time.

     Last but not least, the other disadvantage of body building is the risk of sudden death. It is true that fitness has a lot of advantages such as shaping your body, having lots of friends, and making you stronger physically. We should also acknowledge of this advantage. For example, there is one movement in bodybuilding called cardio. This is one of the most important things to do in fitness since its function is to increase your heart power. The movement in this part involves running or cycling for a few minutes. A body builder usually just skips this exercise because they think that these movements are not necessary. But actually, if the young do a lot of dumbbell lifting and just skip these movements their heart will become weak since they may break its pump. If this happens then the heart, whose function is to pump blood to all of our body parts, won’t be able to supply oxygen to your body and your muscles. Gradually, your body will become weak and suddenly your heart will stop pumping and your body will not get an enough supply of oxygen and then it will stop working. This incident is called heart failure.

     In conclusion, even though bodybuilding has a lot of advantages for people there are lots of side effects to your body if you do it carelessly. So, if you want to do bodybuilding to shape your body, you have to do it more carefully because bodybuilding has some disadvantages too such as injuries, bad diets, and sudden death. It's better if you don't force yourself and do it excessively. Simply practice it normally to avoid those effects or you need to hire a bodybuilding personal trainer if you can afford one.

By Abiandri

Rabu, 27 Juli 2016

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  3. Data Master Satuan Kerja
  4. Data Master PPK
  5. Data Master Golongan 
  6. Data Master Eselon
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  9. Data Master Status Jabatan
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  7.     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  8.     $result = curl_exec($ch);
  9.     curl_close($ch);
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  1. function bitly_short( $url ) {
  2.         $bitlys=array('API_KEY1','API_KEY2');
  3.         $bitly=$bitlys[mt_rand(0,1)];        
  4.         $url    = urlencode( $url );
  5.         $req    = "https://api-ssl.bitly.com/v3/shorten?access_token=".$bitly."&longUrl=$url";
  6.         $ch     = curl_init();
  7.         curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $req );
  8.         curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
  9.         curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, "http://www.google.com" );
  10.         $body   = curl_exec( $ch );
  11.         curl_close( $ch );
  12.         $json   = json_decode( $body, true );
  13.         return $json['data']['url'];
  14. }
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