Kamis, 14 Juli 2016

Don’t Waste Time! 3 Simple Tips Until You Reach Your Self Confidence

      People have an image of who they want to be. Everyone's image of the ideal person is different. Self-confidence is how you see yourself and how much you value yourself. It is merely realizing that you are valuable and unique.

Self-confidence plays a big role in many aspects. Having self-confidence is important because it helps you to make many good choices in your life. What about you? Have you ever tried to develop your self-confidence? Carl Rogers, an influential American psychologist, mentioned that the core problems for many people is that they look down on themselves and they consider themselves to be unworthy of being loved (http://en.wikipedia.orgwiki/Self-esteem). It is never too late to build self-confidence in yourself. It takes some hard work to develop self-confidence, but it will be a possession, or perhaps even a trait, for your life.  There are three ways to develop your confidence in simple steps: face your fear, ignore what people say about you, and realize that being wrong is not wrong at all.

      First, you have to face your fear. Dale Carnegie said inaction breeds doubt and fear. Fear is often based on misjudged situation or through some silly miscommunication while action breeds confidence and courage. Fear does not exist anywhere except in your own mind. Meanwhile, curiosity is filled with anticipation and enthusiasm, Curiosity opens you up. When you are open and enthusiastic, you will have a lot of fun things to think about than focusing on your own fear. The way it works is, you do the thing you are scared of. You will get the courage after you do it, not before you do it. Focus on your potential instead of your limitations. You must do the thing that you think you cannot do. One of the common ways to focus on your potential and be curious is just to keep your focus on your breathing for a minute. And when you are curious and working the mind, you are making it stronger than ever. Nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment. Curiosity helps us approach uncertainty in our everyday lives with a positive attitude. What you are scared of will turn into normal things. So, be curious. It will help you to face your own fear.

      Second, don't listen to what people say about you. Have you ever changed your mind, backed out of something or even given up on a dream because you were afraid of what someone else might think of you? Imagine your life as a road, and others as a wall. When you're driving at 200mph you need to focus on the road in front of you. If you look at the wall, then you’ll end up hitting it criticism and negativity from other people is like a wall. And if you focus on it, then you'll run right into it. You get blocked by negative emotions, anger, and doubt. Your mind will go where your attention is focused, Criticism and negativity don't prevent you from reaching the finish line, but they can certainly distract you from its However, if you focus on the road in front of you and on moving forward, then you can safely speed past the walls and barriers that are nearby, When someone dishes out a negative comment, use that as a signal to recommit to your work and to refocus on the road ahead of you. Some people are determined to take things personally and tear down the work of others. Your life is too short to worry about pleasing those people.

      Finally, you have to realize that being wrong will not kill you. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, right? Confidence comes not from always being right, but from not fearing to be wrong. You gain experiences you could not get any other way. Being wrong does not mean you are a failure, t only means you have not succeeded yet. You really need to fail in order to learn and to gain experiences before being able to succeed Just remember sometimes things have to go very wrong before they can be right. Being wrong gives you motivation, enthusiasm, and eagerness to start believing in yourself. No matter how disheartened you are, the truth is, you just have to get up. You really have to try again. You can show that you can be confident. You have to try to suspend all your feelings of discouragement, sadness, and doubt. After that, you will become stronger and stronger. Every time you fail, you will be more accustomed to it. You will realize that being wrong is not the end of the world. Being wrong will help you to learn and increase your inner strength. Your chances of succeeding will improve with every failure. You will be able to learn important values from your failures. It is absolutely true that success comes in cans, not cant's. You just have to be sure that you are capable of doing a lot of things, especially turning your failure into success. Just let go of the fear of being wrong.

      In short, as you become more curious, your self-confidence builds to greater heights. The key to being confidence is in you. Every time you get criticism from others, don't ever take those critics into your heart. You have to believe that you are capable of doing a lot of things and those people won't hold you back. You have to take actions and make some changes.

By Zamir

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