Rabu, 20 Juli 2016

These Things Explain Why Children Need to Learn Classical Music

      Remember a claim stated that classical music is good for children’s body and soul? Some of us believe that learning classical music would make children smarter. Some of us also believe that learning classical music can enhance our mental alertness.
Actually, this is true and there are many scientific proofs that show the good impacts of learning classical music. Learning classical music gives some benefits in children’s lives, such as improving academic skills, developing physical and social skills, refining discipline and patience, and boosting self-esteem.

      The first thing is the fact that learning classical music can improve children’s academic skills. Music and math are highly intertwined. By understanding the beats, rhythms, tempos, and scales, children learn how to recognize patterns, colors, numbers, division, and calculation. A sheet music includes beats, rhythms, tempos, and scales. When learning the sheet music, children will find the black and white colors that identify the tempo of each musical note. To play the sheet music well, children have to know the right tempo of the music, so they have to learn to count the tempo to make the sound of the music melodious. Learning sheet music requires children to listen to it many times to make a good playing. After listening to the music, children will try to play the music instrument. In this process, children will try to remember how to play the sheet well, so this will make children learn to bring back their memory and try to remember.

      The next thing, musical instrument class also introduces children to basic physics. For instance, plucking the guitar strings or violin teaches children about music harmony and vibrations. Even non-string instruments, such as drums and the vibraphone, give children the opportunity to explore some scientific principles. For example, children will be curious to find where the sound of the guitar is produced. Learning classical music can also develop physical and social skills. Certain instruments, such as percussions, help children develop coordination and motor skills. They require movement of the hands, arms, and feet to learn to play percussion. This type of instrument is great for high-energy kids because it uses almost all of their body. While string and keyboard instruments, like the violin and piano, which are known for instruments to play classical music, demand different actions from the right and left hands simultaneously. By playing piano and violin, children will develop their coordination and motor skills. Instruments not only help develop ambidexterity but also prepare children for other hobbies, like dance and sports. With good body coordination and motor skills, children will be easy to join dance and sports class.

      In addition, learning classical music can improve children’s social skills. Group classes require peer interaction and communication, which encourage teamwork, as children must collaborate to create a good harmony with a crescendo or an accelerando. Crescendo means to increase the loudness gradually, while accelerando means to play the speed of tempo gradually. If a child plays the instrument too loud or speeds up too quickly, he'll need to adjust. It's important for the children to know and understand their individual parts in a larger ensemble. Music rhapsody offers general music education classes, in which teachers split students into groups and assign each child a task. This situation makes children try to communicate to each other. When a child makes mistakes, he may feel guilty, so he needs to apologize to his music group members. This will help children to maintain friendship and be more responsible for what he does.

      The last thing, learning classical music refines good manner. Learning an instrument teaches children about delayed gratification. The violin, for example, has a steep learning curve. Before you can make a single sound, you must first learn how to hold the violin and how to hold the bow. Playing music instrument teaches children to persevere through hours, months, and sometimes years of practice before they reach specific goals, such as performing with a band or memorizing a solo classical piece of music. Private lessons and practicing at home require a very focused kind of attention for even 10 minutes at a time. Group lessons, in which children learn to play the same instruments in an ensemble, also improve patience, as children must wait their turn to play individually. And in waiting for their turns and listening to their classmates to play, kids learn to show their peers respect, to sit still and be quiet for designated periods of time, and to be attentive.
      Playing music instrument helps children to make them become more discipline. To learn a classical music sheet, children have to learn to obey rules. For example, a classical music sheet includes of part of crescendo and accelerando. To make a good playing, children have to obey the sheet music rules. To become understand and fluent in playing the classical music well, children have to practice gradually to make them become used to the sheet. The process of learning classical musical sheet makes children become more discipline, so in another part of life, children will be more discipline too. For example, as children study at school, they will obey school rules, such as arrived at school before the bell rings. Being not late will bring many benefits to them. They can join the class without being punished by the teacher.

      In short, learning classical music can boost self-esteem. Classical music lessons offer a media where children can learn to accept and give constructive criticism. Turning negative feedback into positive change helps build self-confidence. Presenting yourself in public is also an important skill whether you become a professional musician or not. This skill will help children to boost their self-esteem so will their public speaking skills.

By Glenn Mark

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