Senin, 25 Juli 2016

Why It Is Time To Stop Global Warming

     The environment is an important part of humans’ lives because it is the place where we live and interact with other creatures or with other non-living things. Changes in the environment will lead to an environmental imbalance which will surely affect human life. Often, these changes are not realized by humans due to some reasons.
In addition, they often do not care about the environment changes that occur. They are only concerned with their personal needs but do not think about what effects they create to the environment by the actions they have done. Therefore, many human actions cause environmental problems. The most important issue about the environment today is the problem of global warming. Global warming occurs because of some reasons, such as the use of fossil fuels, deforestation, and garbage dump.

     Firstly, global warming is caused by the use of fossil fuels. Today, almost all human energy needs are derived from the conversion of fossil energy sources, such as electricity generation, industry, and transportation. The increasing needs of energy become inevitable. This dependency on fossil fuels makes human unable to escape from fossil fuels in every aspect of their life. The dependency is like an opium that affects the community, ranging from the top to the bottom and in all parts of the world. Although there are alternative fuels, it is very difficult to replace the habit of using the fossil fuels. Fossil fuels, like coal, petroleum, and natural gas will produce carbon dioxide and other gases known as greenhouse gases. The greenhouse gases absorb the sun rays (infrared radiation) reflected by the earth. As a result, the greenhouse gases trapped in the earth's atmosphere causes its temperature increase. This event occurs repeatedly and causes global warming. If people are not wise in using fossil fuels or unwilling to seek for alternative fuels that are environmentally friendly, the average temperature of the earth surface will rise gradually every year. Humans will feel the impact of global warming faster. Therefore, from now on we must use the energy efficiently so that the earth can be a comfortable place for humans and other creatures.

     Secondly, global warming can be triggered by deforestation. The condition of the forest is at an alarming rate. A lot of forests have been cut randomly. Humans are no longer concerned about the impacts caused by deforestation or by the damage of the forest. More forests in Indonesia, even in the world are diminishing. According to a study by US University of Maryland and the World Resource Institute, Indonesia has lost at least 15.79 million hectares of forest land. The world oxygen approximately 30% comes from the forests in Indonesia. However, the current forests in Indonesia have been damaged and bare. The destruction of forests in Indonesia is mostly caused by human activities. They think that they have the ability beyond nature. They also assume that the natural resources are abundant in the earth. People want to get the maximum profit by doing everything. The great number of deforestation and the increasing of fossil fuel usage cause the forest unable to absorb CO2 well. As a result, CO2 in the atmosphere increases.The increasing of these gases will eventually form a layer that resembles a glass. The layer is able to continue the sun rays in the form of light energy into the earth surface. However, this layer can not be passed by the radiant heat energy from the earth's surface. As a result, the heat energy will be reflected back into the earth's surface by the CO2. Then, the global warming in the earth occurs. If uncontrolled deforestation continually happens, it will cause the average temperature of the earth surface increase significantly every year. Therefore, people must realize that the forests are so important for their life in the future. It is suggested that people not only exploit them but also preserve them.

     Finally, global warming is worsened by the improper garbage management. In human life, garbage is usually derived from household and industrial activity. Garbage from industries and households is dumped carelessly. The waste that has been accumulated will produce tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). These gases are greenhouse gases. Methane (CH4) can be transformed into an energy source that can eventually benefit humans. However, the process of changing the methane (CH4) into energy still faces some obstacles. As a result, methane (CH4)  produced from a pile of garbage can't be utilized well and neither can the  carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon dioxide (CO2) is not only derived from the accumulation of garbage but also comes from the burning of plastic garbage. Both cause an increase in the temperature at the surface of the earth. The phenomenon is called global warming. If we do not take actions to reduce waste, the surface temperature of the earth will always rise. 

There are several ways we can do to reduce the waste : 
1.Minimize the usage of plastic goods or materials.The more we use these materials, the more waste produced.
2.Choose the items that can be used again. Avoid using disposable items.
3.Recycle the goods that are not useful anymore.
4.Replace goods that can only be used once with the goods that are more durable. Try to use the items that are more environmentally friendly. For example, replace the plastic bag with a cardboard when we shop and do not use styrofoam because the two materials can not be degraded naturally. Of course, the ways should be better done because they not only can reduce the effects of global warming but also have no side effects either for society or for the environment. Prevention is better than cure. These wise words can also be used in garbage management strategies. It means, preventing the formation of garbage is better than processing or destroying waste. Because after processing or eliminating garbage new types of waste will inevitably be produced. The new types of waste can be more hazardous than destroying garbage. So from now on let's start to be wise to reduce the things that could form the garbage.

     In conclusion, the bad and improper actions performed by humans to the environment causes global warming. If humans do not want to change, their actions the earth will become an uncomfortable place for humans and other creatures. Thus, let's save our earth together. The ways we can do are reducing fossil fuels, maintaining and preserving the forest, and reducing garbage. If we perform the actions, the temperature of the earth surface will be stable and the earth can be a comfortable place for humans and other creatures.

By Johan

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