Rabu, 29 Juni 2016

Facts About Education in Indonesia : Social Major Vs Science Major


    For many years, high school students in Indonesia are strictly limited to three majors – social, science and language classes. The main purpose of this division is to make the students focus on certain subjects that they are interested in, since high school students are being prepared to continue their study in university after they graduate. This system is proven very effective to produce more competent students in a specific major. However, as time passes by, the number of students that are interested in joining language class is gradually decreasing because most schools only open the two majors. In addition, since the students are now more familiar with the remaining two majors, they start to distinguish between students from science class and those from social class. Students from science class are considered better than those of social class. There are some misunderstandings among students and parents or even teachers who consider social major is the second level major which consists of 'the outcast'. Social class has never become the first choice of the majority of Indonesian high school students based on several reasons such as peer pressure, family's demand, and a matter of prestige.

     Peer pressure among students can influence a student in deciding the major in high school. When students are not confident enough, they are more likely to follow what their friends choose. They don't have the courage to choose social major because they are afraid of being mocked or underestimated by their peers or classmates. Even after they choose to go to social major they are still treated as average students. This fact makes them more thoughtful in joining social major. Peer pressure can also affects students if they don't have clear and solid plans for their future. This will lead to the thought that choosing majors in high school is not very important to consider. They are letting their friends decide which major is the best for them because they haven't figured out what they are capable of doing or which subjects they are good at. These students end up choosing the same major as their friends do because they think following what others are planning can also work for them. This is obviously wrong because when an individual has a clear plan for the future he or she should go on their own path and work hard for it. Unless they do it the other way around, undoubtedly they will be facing many problems of finding ways to survive.  Another thing that may cause a student give in to peer pressure is how well they can adapt in a new environment. If a student is so used to his own comfort zone, he won't even think twice and easily choose the major that his close friends take. A possible scenario that might happen is when a student has problems of getting along well with his new friends, he will be afraid if he chooses friends of opposite majors as his close friends because he doesn’t want to feel being neglected and has no friends.  So, a good preparation for the transition from a teenager's comfort zone to a new and strange surrounding is a very important thing to do. There is no doubt that peer pressure is a very common thing that happens among teenagers in this case. However, in fact it all depends on the  person whether he wants to  give in to the demands of his friends or not.

     Demands from family may also cause a student to choose science class even though he is unwilling to. The reason behind the high demand of parents who want their children to study in science class is when either the father or the mother used to have a dream that have not been fulfilled yet. So, this kinds of parents hope their children make their dream come true and will do whatever it takes to make sure their children fulfill their past dreams.  Such parents set a very high hope for their children to reach the brighter future than they could do. Not wanting to disappoint their parents, the children usually do what their parents have told them. Another scenario that might happen is when the father wants his son to be a doctor so badly even though the child wants to be a lawyer. Being a doctor means that the child has to go to science class but in fact his academic performance is in social class. This can lead to misunderstanding between the parents and the children. Final decision in choosing the major in school can also be easily influenced by the relatives of the family who are successful in a certain job. For example, if many members or relatives of a family are doctors then the child is forced to choose science major in order to be a doctor even though he is unwilling and incapable academically. In this situation, the child is often afraid to speak up because it will be against his family’s wish and hope. Since the child is lack of motivation from the very beginning, when he goes into science major he will get bad scores and frustrated or depressed.

     Parents' lack of information about today's education system is also the causes their high demand on their children. Many parents still have an old-fashioned way of thinking. The parents still rely on rumors and false information that says that science class are better than social class or use their past knowledge about this two majors which are probably not true anymore. They are afraid that when their children choose social class, the children will have a hard time figuring out where to go for college. The parents think that choosing social class will limit the options of the majors to choose in a university entrance test. It is because a high school graduate from social class can only choose social majors too while someone from science class can choose all majors in a university entrance test. This is not completely true because even though it is possible for science students to go to faculties of social studies, they are going to have problems adjusting to the way things work in social faculties because they are used to learning numbers and calculating. A good communication between the parents and the children should be established so that parents and the children can reach an understanding. Parents’ understanding of what their children want is a very important factor to prevent the children from being forced and pressured after joining certain major of class.

     The last but not least about the reason why science class is always the first option among the high school students in Indonesia is simply a matter of prestige. There is a wrong assumption in society who label students from social class are “the outcast” which means that only students with low academic scored will go to social class. This labeling will change the mindset of a student. According to a sociologist Edwin M. Lemeret, or is often called ‘the labeling theory’, an individual's behavior can turn deviant from the process of labeling (giving nicknames or stamps that the society constantly telling him). There must be some explanation or socializing steps from the authority to the community since it is an essential thing to do. These socializing steps can go in two ways: the psychological and sociological. The psychological is done by letting every individual send suggestion for them and feels if they are put up in the same situation they will feel guilty or sinful by doing this.  The second way, the sociological way is done for the educational authority to give routine socializing steps to the wide range of community. Another consideration is the graduates of science class have more job opportunities than those of social class. A survey by Senior High School 1 (SMA 1) in Yogyakarta indicated that a tendency of their students who prefer science class is because this class is considered more prospective in college in job opportunities.  On the other hand, the graduates of social class are considered less prospective for their future. A matter of prospect is not determined by how good or bad a particular major is, but it is measured by the intention, interests, and capability of the students. If a student can optimize his ability in what he is interested in, he is more likely to have a brighter future. A science student is believed to be able to cross the lane and take a social-related jobs, unlike social students who can only choose the job relevant to their study. However, a social class student has a much bigger advantage because he learns the basics in high school. For example, if a science student wants to be an accountant and he has only decides this when he has already been in college, then he might encounter many problems along the way. He might be good at counting, but is he good enough to learn all the formulas for accounting in a short time? Students also prefer science class  because they find the subjects more challenging. They have this idea in mind that social students are left behind because the subjects to study don’t require a lot of challenges and can be learned even without a teacher. In fact, this is totally wrong, social students are able to think critically and analyze a certain case based on social facts that are happening in our society. Our society has always measured an individual’s intelligence on how well he or she is good at mathematics or physics, even though there is much more beyond that. How about their ability to interact with other people? How about some knowledge in business? Social students are challenged in their on way to give their opinions about social life. It might sounds easy to think about, but in reality it is not. In fact the truth is both science and social class are at the same level so they should be treated equally.

     In conclusion, success in education is not determined by whether or not the students choose science or social majors. Both majors are equal and a particular major (class) is not better than the other one. A success is determined by an individual intention, interest and capability. Choosing between major or social class can be tough but don’t let your friends or your family or friends tell you what you should choose. It's your own education, your own choice, and for your own future!

By : Haafizhah Nadia

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