Selasa, 28 Juni 2016

Why Do Muslim Women Wear Hijab, Any Advantages?

   What is Hijab? Hijab is a veil that covers the head and chest which is particularly worn by muslim women beyond the age of puberty in presence of adult males outside of their immediate family.
Hijab or headscarf is one of the most noticeable and misunderstood attires of muslim women. It can further refer to any head, face or body covering worn by muslim women that conforms to a certain standard of modesty. Hijab can also be used to refer to the seclusion of women from men in the public sphere. Most legal systems define this modest dressing as everything except covering the face and the hands in public, Most often, it is worn by muslim women as symbol of privacy and morality. Wearing hijab has advantages such as an act of obedience to the Creator, a shield for women self fashion trend nowadays.

      Wearing the hijab is a form of obedience of a muslim woman because it is obligatory for the them. As stated in the Quran, Surah Al-Ahzab: 59 which mentions the obligations for muslim women to wear Hijab, " O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” The verse tells that muslim women must wear hijab because it is obligatory and a command from Allah Swt. Allah commands all muslim women to wear hijab because hijab will protect anyone who wears it. No matter what kind of the characters of the muslim women – whether good or bad ones- they must wear hijab. As time goes by, hijab will change the muslim women with bad characters into good people, Good willing. Allah commands the muslim women to wear hijab because hijab is a polite clothing, so with polite clothing the muslim women will have good looking. 

      Hijab is shield, a shield for muslim women who wear it. Hijab becomes a shield because if they wear hijab there will be no bad man who want to do the bad things like doing criminal actions that harm the women. Then, hijab protects the muslim women from arousing male sexual interests. If the women don't wear hijab and wear impolite clothes they will arouse male sexual interests. Hijab also creates self identity. Wearing hijab makes muslim women feel confident because hijab is a polite clothing and they will free to move and are not worried if there are certain parts of their clothes open.

      Hijab becomes a fashion trend because hijab is derived from the Arabic word ‘hijab hajaban’ which means covering. In other words, hijab is to cover the nakedness by wearing a head covering of certain form that follows the Sharia law.  Now, there are various creations of hijab that makes this Islamic clothing  look more stylish and fashionable.  With more muslim women wearing hijab, hijab designers try to combine the trends in fashion with the muslim clothes that suit to Sharia law. There many reasons that make hijab become a fashion trend. The first reason is that there are more and more muslim women begin to understand the necessity of wearing a veil, so that they wear hijab. Muslim women are free to wear the hijab wherever they want. The emergence of various models of hijab styles  and hiiab tutorials in various media, electronic media and social media also promote the hijab among muslim women. Usually, the muslim women who share their hijab tutorial will be trendsetter and most trendsetters always wear cute or unique clothes that make other women who haven’t worn it become interested to wear hijab. In addition, the emergence of a lot of fashion models combined with hijab styles and fashion with the various models and colors also makes the hijab becomes trendier among the public.  So, muslim women can still look fashionable and neat while wearing hijab.

      In conclusion, hijab is obligatory from Allah that every muslim woman must wear it , no matter what. Hijab is a shield for muslim women who wear it and hijab is also a fashion. Today, not only non-hijab women can be fashionable but hijab women can also be fashionable too or even can be more stylish than non-hijab women, They still look gorgeous and beautiful with their appearance.

By : Tirza Nuraini

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