Senin, 27 Juni 2016

What Should Your Ideal Weight Be?

      What is your weight and what is your height? What do you think about it? Is it ideal ? Do you pay attention to your habits and your diet?
Well, especially in Indonesia many people don't even care about their weight. Let's see this illustration. There are two sisters that have many differences. One of them eats much without thinking about the quantity and the frequency. She always eats snacks and meals every day but she does sports rarely. Therefore, she is fat. On the other hand, her sister is so busy with the school assignments that she often forgets to have a meal. She doesn't care about the energy needed for her daily activities. No wonder if she has a thin body. This illustration tells us that bad eating habits can give bad effects to people's life. In the real life, there are many people who have similar eating habits like those two siblings. But this is bad eating habits because it is important to control your weight. Controlling  your weight to become ideal helps us with better appearance,  avoid diseases, and make it easier to do your daily activities.

      Especially for girls, having an ideal weight makes your appearance better. Girls who are a little bit fat would prefer to wear clothes at home that make them look slimmer because most girls don’t want to look fat. Meanwhile girls who have ideal weight don’t have to worry about it. An ideal girl will look perfect to wear any suits. Some girls who don't care about their weight may have problems with the size of their clothes. People with ideal weight can choose clothes with standard size in any stores. However, someone with a big body may have to order from a tailor to make clothes appropriate for his body. The reason is that it is hard to find clothes with big sizes in all stores. Someone with a proportional body will find it comfortable and confident to wear any clothes.  So, an ideal weight is very good for our appearance.

      An ideal body weight is closely related to people's health. They should avoid bad habits that endanger health and influence weight. Take for example smoking which influences our health and increases the risk of having cancer.  Another bad habit is overeating which can cause over weight and low activities which can also increase the risk of having cancer too, a disease that maybe caused by lifestyle and unhealthy diet. Hormone produced when people do physical exercises not only reduce fat but also prevent the production of hormones which trigger career cell.  In addition, obese people having more risks of having diabetes than ideal people do. The way they eat makes their body fat which then pushes the rejection of insulin.  Therefore they are prone to have diabetes. Dr. Ngai Wah Cheung, from Sydney Medical School, Australia said that obesity is caused by overeating, which makes the work of insulin worse and increases the degree of sugar in the body. On the other hand, thin people often suffer from malnutrition that causes the reduction of immunity.  Lack of vitamin A and C that keep the immune system make the body not enough strength to fight against bacteria and viruses that cause diseases. Those are the three consequences which can be caused by having not ideal body weight.

      Having an ideal body weight influences people's daily activities, A perfect weight makes people more free. It means that they can be more active, dynamic, and nimble.  For instance, some athlete avoid being overweight because it makes them harder to move while an ideal weight makes their movement easier and more free. Another example of people having an ideal weight is make them easier to move-for example when they visit and play in an amusement park. A man with a big body will have troubles when ride a rollercoaster. They may lock his body on the chair. They will also feel more relaxed. Rubino Domenica, the Director of Washington for Weight Management said that people who have an ideal weight will be more relaxed while they're working. Moreover, the quality of life, mobility, and immunity become better too. People's daily activities are related to the mood. People with an ideal weight usually have more stable mood than other people. People can't ignore that the mood influences their days. So, people who have a good mood will be happier when doing anything. 

      To conclude, we should have knowledge on good habits to lead a healthy life and have an ideal weight. But how can you know you have an ideal body? You can calculate your body mass index (BMI) by dividing your mass in kilograms by your height in meters. If the BMI is less than 18, you are skinny. If your BMI is between 18 to 25, you have an ideal body. But if your BMI is between 25 to 29.9 , you have over weight while if it is more than 30, you are obese. There are many advantages we get when having ideal weight. You must pay more attention to anything related to their weight. Don’t waste your time by overeating and having too much sleep. Having an ideal weight may boost your confidence. So, let’s motivate ourselves to have an ideal weight, by controlling your habits and diets. All of your efforts and sacrifice will pay off well.

By : Gedia Fifi Yekonia

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