Minggu, 15 Mei 2016

An Agreement That Changed The Image of Dayak Tribes

dayak tribes
Dayak tribes are the  native tribes of Borneo. The word Dayak itself is actually given by the Malays who came to Borneo. Dayak tribes includes Dayak Bakumpai, Dayak Bukit, Dayak Sampit, Dayak Paser, Dayak Tidung, Dayak Melanau,  Dayak Kedayan, Dayak Embaloh,  Dayak Sintang, Dayak Sango and Ngabang.Dayak Abal, Dayak Abai, Dayak Banyadu, Dayak Bakati, Dayak Bentian, Dayak Benuaq , Dayak Bidayuh, Dayak Darat, Dayak Dusun, Dayak Dusun Deyah, Dayak Dusun Malang, Dayak Kenyah , Dayak Lawangan, Dayak Maanyan, Dayak Mali, Dayak Mayau, Dayak Meratus, Dayak Mualang, Dayak Ngaju Dayak Ot Danum, Dayak Samihim and others are expected to amount to three hundred sub-tribes. Beheading is the tradition of Dayak tribes. Iban and Kenyah are two of the indigenous Dayak who practice ngayau (beheading of Iban tribe  and Kenyah tribe). In the true ngayau tradition, it is not separated from the victims of human heads of the enemy. Not all the Dayak tribe in Kalimantan apply ngayau tradition. As with Dayak Maanyan and Dayak Meratus, in their custom there is no terms of ngayau, but based on the story of the tetuha (elders) , when there was a war time between the knights of Dayak Maanyan and Dayak Meratus , they had to target their enemy’s head. The heads of the enemy's leader is not used as a complement to traditional rituals as carried out by Dayak Kenyah, Iban and Ngaju, but the head is buried with her. Although Dayak Meratus and Maanyan  do not apply ngayau tradition in their customs, they still find a human head significant because the top of the head in the human body has a symbol of one's status. After some discussions supposedly lasted for months, Dayak people in Kalimantan reached an agreement to avoid and eliminate the tradition of headhunting, because this practice created problems among the Dayak tribes. Finally, to settle the problems all disputes are forgotten and those who break the agreement will be fined. The agreement is called “Tumbang Anoi Agreement”, whose main points are to forget the faults between sub-Dayak, stop Jipen system, replace it with other things, organize and impose a special customs in each region.

  First, Dayak people will live peacefully after Tumbang Anoi Agreement be appointed.  Dayak who previously did not care about the rules and their life is very free and they may even not be scared by the applicable of their old rules. After there is a Tumbang Anoi Agreement in Dayak tribes they will live by the rules that have been made and must be obeyed. The reason they obey the rules because they do not want to pay the fine by the law which was written in Tumbang Anoi Agreement. In order that  they have to obey the rules so they will have a sense of humanity automatically. In the past, they followed ancient custom which was very cruel but now it they will not do it again. If Dayak tribes have a sense of humanity they would not chop their enemies’head and the number of victims reduced. Tumbang Anoi Agreement removed the beheading in Dayak tribes so each family would not be scared to lose their beloved person.

    Second, they will have an equal status.  Slaves and masters in Iban tribe or other tribes in Dayak would have the same dignity. Masters can not dominate slaves anymore so slaves would have a freedom to do anything they want. If in one tribe there were no different status between the slaves and masters, a tribe and another tribe would not have a different status too. For example, Iban and Kenyah tribe would not hunt their enemy’s head. Iban and Kenyah tribe will never do a beheading anymore. Not only the differences between of a tribe and another tribe that can be removed, the differences between the tribal leader and ordinary people can also be removed too. In the past, ordinary people of Dayak were intimidated by tribal leader but now the ordinary people can not live in peace and do something freely.

  Third, Tumbang Anoi Agreement will make dayak tribe an advanced tribe. There is no dispute between a tribe and another tribes which means Dayak people have a strong unity. They have unwritten statement in their brain which mention that Dayak tribes are one. They will love each other and will make some kind of organization which can create a good atmosphere in Dayak tribes. After they have a strong unity, they can develop their culture They would add some art or maybe publish a new invention. Dayak tribes’ dream is not underestimated by other tribes in Indonesia. After they have a strong unity, they develop their culture so they will not be known as an ancient tribe anymore. Dayak tribes have the same status with other tribes in Indonesia.  Other tribes have a rule which mention anyone who kill someone will get punishment too.  And other tribes in Indonesia would not judge Dayak tribes because of their ancient custom. After they have a strong unity, a high quality of culture, and have the same  rules with other tribes in Indonesia they will be an advanced tribe.

  In short, there are three points that Dayak tribes would get after there is Tumbang Anoi Agreement. There are live peacefully, have the equal status and be anvanced tribes.

By : Dewi Nurmalasari

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