Senin, 16 Mei 2016

How to Celebrate The New Year's Eve The Right Way

When you hear the phrase new year’s eve, what’s the first thing pop into your head? Fireworks, dope party, and big celebration. But is it really valuable to celebrate this kind of events? In some countries, new year’s eve is the time when criminals rises.
In Cologne, Germany, there were assaults and harassment towards  80 females on new year’s eve. In Depok, Indonesia, 2015, mixed alcohol party killed 3 people and the other one is hospitalized. Not only criminal problem, but the celebration also creates environmental problems. About 85 tons of trash were accumulated in Jakarta only. The atmosphere part (ozone layer) is also destroyed by the chemicals (CO2,SO2), thus creating greenhouse effect from fireworks. Don’t forget the cost of fireworks party itself, in Dubai almost USD 6 millions was spent, in Surabaya, East Java Rp 175 millions was spent. There are several reasons why celebrating new year’s eve is not necessary, because of money-wasting, nature-destroying, and also religiously unfavorable.

   The first reason why is not necessary is because its money wasting. First of all, people around the world spend most of their money in new year’s eve for firework. If we expect everyone to spend money on new year's eve at Rp.1000 to buy firecrackers and everything that enliven the celebration, and who celebrate the new year about 10 million people in Indonesia , then calculate how much money is squandered in a night ? That is just an estimation that each person spends Rp. 1000, what if more than that ?! That is wasted in vain overnight to buy fireworks, firecrackers, or to organize musical performances , etc. Celebration sometimes leads to alcohol/drug party. It will damage our body, even kill. That is not the nicest way to celebrate something, right? And For people who spend their new year’s eve in holiday, they should be careful because the costs of hotel, public attractions, daily needs are very expensive. It’s still okay if we spent too much money, because we can still earn it tomorrow, but there is one thing that can’t be earn if it loses, time. Doing something that is money and time wasting, I think is nothing except useless.
Our nature is in crisis, many of our fellow men live in poverty and hunger, celebrating new year the way we used to celebrate is inconsiderate. First is our own family, friends, even work colleagues. People need one another, especially those who are close to us. So, if our close ones need help (in the form of money and donation), we should reconsider to care for them, enough to stop our behavior to celebrate new year. The second thing is in our beloved country, Indonesia, for instance Jakarta. In Jakarta, there are about 85 tons of wastes collected from the New Year's party 2015. 35 tons of waste originating from the Jakarta Night Festival Hotel Indonesia traffic circle to the monument, and 50 tons of garbage the rest comes from dots crowds in several other administrative areas of the city .The rule of pay fine of Rp. 500 thousand for individuals who litter is useless. As a result, not only the costs of handling , but it also adds to the burden of street sweepers and some other professions considered low-value jobs.

     The next reason is global. The smoke of fireworks fired roam all over the world containing gas Carbon and Carbon Dioxide (CO2). This substance can damage the ozone layer and carbon emissions are harmful to the health of all creatures on earth. The impact is threatening the survival of living beings, pollute the air, capable of destroying buildings slowly, natural disasters and rising sea levels as a result of changes in climate drastically. Not to mention the starvation in Somalia, the murder in Syria, the imprisonment of Gaza, the ethnic cleansing of Burma etc. Certainly, celebrating new year is not the one to do.

     The last reason is considering the importance to celebrate religious events instead, so god can reward us. Big religious events do so by encouraging prayers, making duaa for those suffering and give alms to the needy. However, celebrating New Years does no such thing. The advantage of celebrating the first religious event, Maulid Nabi for the muslim. Maulid nabi is the event that celebrate Prophet Muhammad’s birth day. Expressions of love by muslim in form of Maulid Nabi are humble efforts to show gratitude to God for His blessings, and also the prophet who guides us. To celebrate this and express hapiness and joy is to give charity, feeding people who need, is what occurs on Maulid Nabi. The second event is Christmas. There are some ways to correctly celebrate it : gathering with friends and family. Take advantage of this time to reconnect and create your own traditions to make your Christmas happier. Some people choose to attend Christmas eve service, some just do it by sitting before the Christmas tree, and silently pray to God to be just with them. However you decide to do it, for the Christian, making God a part of your day is vital. The last one is Chinese’s Lunar new year. There are some traditions to celebrate : clean your house. It is believed that if we clean our house it will remove bad luck and refresh ourselves. The next is visiting temple. People celebrate Lunar new year by visit temple to pray asking for good luck, protection throughout the year. In there they also give gratitude to their ancestors.

    In short, we should consider not to celebrate new year’s eve anymore. It’s highly suggested that we change our mindset about new year. I don’t forbid the people to celebrate, but instead of doing it with money-wasting party, let’s try sharing something to the society, to the community. My suggestion for positive money and time spending is to donate your money, clothes even food to those in need, and you’ll get happiness and joy you deserve. The second is to connect ourselves more to God, our creator. Not only you get the outer joy but also the inner peace.

By : Muhammad Naufal Fathurrahman

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