Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016

Why These 3 Things Are The Keys to Success for Indonesia to Join Asean Economic Community

asean economic community
To welcome 2016, ASEAN has started a new program known as ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) or in Indonesian, we call it Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA). All member countries of ASEAN join in ASEAN Economic Community.
There are ten countries and Indonesia is one of the members in ASEAN. As we know, the system of recruitment of foreign workers is easier now because of ASEAN Economic Community. The good thing is Indonesian have a big chance to work in another country. It will be very helpful for us to compete with others but if we are not ready, we will be thrown away even though we are in our own country. We have to prepare ourselves because we will show another country that it is worth to compete in ASEAN Economic Community. On top of that we can show them we are better than them. There are so many ways to prove it. Mastery English language, good education, and proper skill are the requirements for Indonesian to join ASEAN Economic Community.

   In ASEAN Economic Community, English language is very influential because it is the main language for communicating with people from other countries. The different languages between all the members in ASEAN make them have to speak in international language, in this case - English language. Besides its international language, a lot of information is written in English language. We have to know the information that happens in the world,  otherwise we will be an out-of-dated person if we do not keep ourselves updated with the information. Those factors lead us to be someone who can adapt with everything in life. It makes us worth it to be a part of ASEAN Economic Community. Moreover, all of the members come with different languages such as pioneer countries that are Brunei, Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Still there are other countries in ASEAN Economic Community such as Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, Solomon Islands, and Bangladesh as a result of expansion of cooperation among countries in ASEAN. All of them use English language to communicate with each other.

   Having a good education is important for the participants of ASEAN Economic Community and it becomes a benchmark of our dedication. We have to prove others that we are smart and we have deep knowledge of many things. We can be people that are eligible to be a part of ASEAN Economic Community because of the utmost degree of education. Besides for the benefit for ourselves, good education is one of the ways that can advance our own country. If we become famous, people will know where we come from. It is a big chance that will advance our country and make our country proud of us.

   Not only mastering English language, but also having a good education is worth to compete with others in ASEAN Economic Community. We also have to be ready about our non-academic preparation. We have to sharpen our skills, learn some new skills, and harness our skills. Even though we are good at education, people will admit us as a potential person if we have a skill as an added value of ourselves. Next, as many as skills we have, we should be motivated for everything we do. It makes us different with others as well. Maybe we have the same level of degree with the others, but skill is a comparison who is better than the others. We should not have to rely on our academic degree only but we also have to sharpen our skills as well to make ourselves different.

   To conclude, as a part of ASEAN Economic Community we have to prepare ourselves well. We cannot underestimate ASEAN Economic Community because we are the one who join in ASEAN Economic Community. We compete with many countries in Asia that means we have so many competitors. We have to increase our human resources because our competitors different in many ways.

By : Raden Roro Fauziah Ratna Pertiwi

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