Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016

What Should You Do When You Got Bullied?

According to , bullying is unwanted, aggressive, behavior among students that involves a real or perceived power imbalance.
The behavior has a  potential to recur over time. There are types of bullying such as physical bullying, verbal bullying, covert or hidden bullying, and cyber bullying. Both kids who are bullied and people who bully other people probably have serious, enduring problems. Bullying will make someone hurt either by words or actions. The effects to the kids who are bullied are depression, mental health, decreased academic achievement or even worst they could commit suicide. For some people, bullying can motivate them to become people with stronger personality but a lot of people don’t think that way. So, they will choose to end up their life instead of living their life and making the bully regret what they have done. Bullying can be a serious problem if people don’t do anything to stop bullying. Everybody knows that nothing can stop bullying but at least we can minimize it. Stopping bullying has to come from yourself. We all have rights for our happiness. Bullying can be prevented by working it out by yourself, defending yourself, and asking someone for help. 

Working it out yourself is the first step you can do to know how much power you’ve got to face them. You can’t depend on someone in this case even though he even says they will never leave you. They turn to someone they say they will never leave you but when possible, ignore the bully. Bullies are looking for reaction from you and often lose interest if they don’t get satisfaction of making you upset. When the bully approach you it’s better to walk away if they block your way then face them and you have to look strong don’t ever show your weakness in front of the bullies because that will make them bully you even more. Believe in yourself that you can solve this problem. I know that everyone needs help but we also need to help ourselves. Expecting other people to help us will not work well. Expectations are what kill us. Maybe this solo action will takes time but you have to be ready. Also you have to keep in your mind that everything happens for a reason, and maybe the reason is to make yourself stronger, to be an experience person that you can share later on to your children or your grandchildren in the future. You have to believe that you can get through this entire struggle and make you into a better person. Don’t forget to be happy because happiness is the best revenge. Nothing pushes people more foolish than seeing someone having a good life. 

If the bullies treat you even worst such as kicking, punching or whatever that hurt your physical then you should learn to defend yourself. Actually self-defense is important so we can fight-back. When the bully hits you don’t be afraid to fight back but remember to do this if the bully start it first. You have the rights to defend yourself then don’t be afraid to do it. Stand for yourself and don’t let the bully bring you down. If you don’t make any mistakes then you don’t have to be afraid to face them. It’s a different case if you do something wrong so don’t feel hesitate to ask for forgiveness.  Don’t put your personality on airs. If they don’t forgive you then that’s their problem but at least you have tried to fix your relationship with the bully.

   Asking someone for help is the thing you can do if you already can’t handle the bully by yourself. You don’t have to worry to tell your parents or teachers how the bully treat you. Be open to your parents if you’re not then how can they help you go through this situation? Just don’t be afraid to speak up if you don't do something wrong. After you tell your parents about everything you’ve been through then they can help you to make a plan to stop bullying like telling the bully’s parents how they treat you the entire time so their parents can give more attention to the bully or bring their child to a mental health professional such as to a psychologist, or a psychiatrist.

   In conclusion, being bullied can make you upset and stressful, and it can affect your life in many different ways, including your self-confidence, your relationships, and even your schooling. Bullying can be stopped if the victims have a huge desire to get it over. If we already help our own selves indirectly the universe will help us too.

By : Kevin

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