Rabu, 18 Mei 2016

Understanding Types of Sentences

Types of Sentences

 A simple sentence is a sentence that contains one subject and one predicate or verb. This sentence expresses one main idea. Some parts of the sentence may be compound(compound verb, compound subject or compound subject and compound verb).


Hegoes to the mall.
S     V
Hestands up and runs away. (compound verb)
S        V                       V

He and his brother run away. (compound subject)
S                  V

He and his brother stand up and run away. (compound 
S                  S                 V                     V

subject and compound verb)

    A compound sentence is a sentence that consists of two simple sentences that express related ideas. These two sentences are joined together either by a coordinating conjunction (FAN BOYS = For, And,  Nor, But, Or, Yet, So). As alternatives for a coordinating conjunction, it is possible to use a semicolon or a comma. If a semicolon is used to connect the sentences then it is followed by a conjunctive adverb.

Examples with coordinating conjunctions:

He goes to the mall but his brother goes to school.
 S    V                                  S                    V
He was sick so he didn’t go to school.
S     V                  S        V

Heis absent for he issick. (the meaning of for is because)
 S   V                  S   V

Examples with conjunctive adverbs:

He was sick; therefore, he didn’t go to school.
He was sick; consequently, he didn’t go to school.
He was sick; as a result, he didn’t go to school.

    A complex sentence is a sentence that has one main clause* and one or more subordinate clauses. A main clause is an independent clause while a subordinate clause (sub-clause) is a dependent clause. An independent clause can stand by itself while a dependent clause can’t. The subordinate clauses of a complex sentence may be an adverb clause, an adjective clause or a noun clause.

(*) A clause is a group of related word which has a subject and a predicate.


1.      The person who is wearing white shirt is my uncle. (Adjective clause)

The person is my uncle = main clause
who is wearing white shirt = sub-clause

2.       While he was watching TV, someone knocked the door. (Adverb clause)

While he was watching TV = sub-clause
someone knocked the door = main clause

3.      He is not sure whether he wants to continue his study or apply for a job. (Noun clause)

            He is not sure = main clause
            whether he wants to continue his study or apply for a job = sub-clause

    Identifying the Kinds of Sentences. Identify each sentence below by writing S (for Simple), Cpd (for Compound), or Cpx (for Complex) sentences.

1. These shoes are made of suede. __________________________________________
2. Can you fix the pipes in the kitchen, or should I call a plumber? 
3. We went picnic and visited a fabulous restaurant_________________________________
 4. The journalist asked whether he could meet the movie star for an interview__________________________
 5. People usually spend around 9 hours for working and related activities_____________________________
6. The mystery of  giant footsteps, which was witnessed by many people in the village, is not solved yet
7. I met my classmates in a reunion, and we took some pictures ___________________________________
8. The surgeon explained how serious the patient’s condition was ______________________________________
9. After the host congratulated him, the singer stood up and sang a song __________________________________
10. As the principal presented the awards, he thanked us for the support __________________________________

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