Rabu, 25 Mei 2016

Combining Sentences

Often successful writing will attempt to balance shorter, simple sentences with compound and complex sentences. Consider the following sentence from "Triple Tragedy in Black Society":

Notwithstanding sports' reputation in Black society for beneficence and for providing extraordinary, if not exemplary, social and economic mobility opportunities, the reality is that in sports, no less than in society, Black advancement has been achieved at the price of persistent, vigilant, intelligent reflection and determined individual and collective struggle.

The fundamental ideas in this sentence could be written as follows (i.e., as a series of shorter, simple sentences):

Sports has a reputation in Black society for beneficence.
It also has a reputation for extraordinary social and economic mobility opportunities.
These extraordinary opportunities may not exemplify the opportunities available to most.
The reality is that in sports, Black advancement has been achieved at the price of persistent, vigilant, intelligent reflection.
It has also been achieved at the price of determined individual and collective struggle.
            In society, the situation is no different.

Combining shorter sentences into longer compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences can sometimes improve your writing by showing relationships between ideasand making your prose generally more efficient.

Your interest as a student writer is to first learn how to combine sentences in such a way that relationships between ideas are clearly and economically shown, and second to learn how to balance complex structures with shorter, simple sentences. The following exercise will help you.

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